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作者: 時間:2024-10-14 點擊數(shù):








1. 社會主義法治國家

socialist country under the rule of law


譯文:Full implementation of the Constitution is the primary task in building our socialist country under the rule of law.


2. 全面依法治國

to comprehensively advance the rule of law


譯文:After the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, the Central Committee set the goal of comprehensively advancing the rule of law, and included it in the Four-pronged Comprehensive Strategy.


3. 堅持黨對全面依法治國的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)

to uphold overall Party leadership in law-based governance


譯文:Uphold overall Party leadership in law-based governance. Party leadership is the fundamental guarantee for comprehensive law-based governance in our country.


4. 堅持以人民為中心

to uphold a people-centered approach


譯文:Uphold a people-centered approach. The people are the broadest and most solid foundation for comprehensive law-based governance, which must rely on and benefit the people.


5. 堅持中國特色社會主義法治道路

to uphold the rule of law under socialism with Chinese characteristics


譯文:Uphold the rule of law under socialism with Chinese characteristics. I once said that in essence, our path of Chinese socialist law-based governance is an embodiment of Chinese socialism in the domain of rule of law, our theory of Chinese socialist rule of law is a fruit of the theory of Chinese socialism in the rule of law, and our system of Chinese socialist rule of law is a legal manifestation of the Chinese socialist system.


6. 堅持依憲治國、依憲執(zhí)政

Uphold Constitution-based governance and exercise of state power


譯文:Uphold Constitution-based governance and exercise of state power. The Constitution is the fundamental law of China and has the supreme legal authority. Our Party leads the people in enacting and enforcing the Constitution and the law, and it must act within the confines of the Constitution and the law.


7. 堅持在法治軌道上推進國家治理體系和治理能力現(xiàn)代化

to uphold the rule of law in modernizing the state system and capacity for governance


譯文:Uphold the rule of law in modernizing the state system and capacity for governance. The rule of law is a key pillar for the state governance system and capacity.


8. 堅持建設(shè)中國特色社會主義法治體系

to develop a system of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics


譯文:Develop a system of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics. This system is the focus of the drive to advance law-based governance.


9. 堅持依法治國、依法執(zhí)政、依法行政共同推進,法治國家、法治政府、法治社會一體建設(shè)

to pursue coordinated progress in law-based governance, exercise of state power, and government administration, and integrate the rule of law for the country, the government, and society


譯文:Pursue coordinated progress in law-based governance, exercise of state power, and government administration, and integrate the rule of law for the country, the government, and society. Comprehensive law-based governance is a great systematic endeavor. Therefore, we must formulate integrated plans and pursue this goal in a more systematic, holistic and coordinated way.


10. 堅持全面推進科學(xué)立法、嚴格執(zhí)法、公正司法、全民守法

to ensure sound lawmaking, strict law enforcement, impartial administration of justice, and the observance of law by all


譯文:Ensure sound lawmaking, strict law enforcement, impartial administration of justice, and the observance of law by all. We must continue to carry forward reform in the domain of rule of law in order to solve prominent conflicts and problems in devising, enforcing, applying and observing the law.


11. 堅持統(tǒng)籌推進國內(nèi)法治和涉外法治

to take a coordinated approach to the rule of law at home and in matters involving foreign parties


譯文:Take a coordinated approach to the rule of law at home and in matters involving foreign parties. We should accelerate our efforts to create a strategic framework for the rule of law in foreign-related matters, pursue coordinated progress in both domestic and international governance, and better safeguard our country’s sovereignty, security and development interests.


12. 堅持建設(shè)德才兼?zhèn)涞母咚刭|(zhì)法治工作隊伍

to develop a force of high-caliber legal personnel with moral integrity and professional competence


譯文:Develop a force of high-caliber legal personnel with moral integrity and professional competence. To advance law-based governance, first and foremost we must build a highly competent team of legal professionals.


13. 堅持抓住領(lǐng)導(dǎo)干部這個“關(guān)鍵少數(shù)”

to make sure that leading officials, though small in number, play a key role (in implementing the rule of law)


譯文:Make sure that leading officials, though small in number, play a key role in implementing the rule of law. It is leading officials who exercise the governing power of the Party and the legislative, administrative, supervisory and judicial powers of the state. Therefore, they are key to comprehensive law-based governance.


14. 依法治國和依規(guī)治黨有機統(tǒng)一

to combine law-based governance of the country and rule-based governance of the Party


譯文:We should combine law-based governance of the country and rule-based governance of the Party, ensuring that the Party governs the country in accordance with the Constitution and the law, and practices self-governance pursuant to Party rules and regulations.


15. 依法治國和以德治國相結(jié)合

to integrate the rule of law with the rule of virtue


譯文:We should integrate the rule of law with the rule of virtue so that they complement and reinforce each other.


16. 體現(xiàn)人民利益、反映人民愿望、維護人民權(quán)益、增進人民福祉

to represent the people’s interests, reflect their wishes, protect their rights and interests, and improve their wellbeing


譯文:We must represent the people’s interests, reflect their wishes, protect their rights and interests, and improve their wellbeing throughout the process of law-based governance in all sectors. Moreover, we must ensure that the people, under the leadership of the Party, are able to administer state affairs and manage economic, cultural and social affairs through various channels and in various ways, and ensure that they enjoy extensive rights and freedoms and fulfill due obligations in accordance with the law.


17. 科學(xué)立法、民主立法、依法立法

to conduct legislative work in a well-conceived manner, through a democratic process and in accordance with the law


譯文:Focusing on the quality of legislation, we will conduct legislative work in a well-conceived manner, through a democratic process and in accordance with the law. We need to coordinate the promulgation, revision, abolition, interpretation, and compilation of laws to improve the efficiency of legislation and ensure that our legislation is systematic, holistic and synergetic.


18. 深化司法體制綜合配套改革

to advance comprehensive and integrated reform of the judicial system


譯文:We will advance comprehensive and integrated reform of the judicial system and develop an impartial, efficient and authoritative socialist judicial system, so that our people can see equity and justice served in every piece of legislation, in every law enforcement decision, and in each judicial case.


19. 堅定維護以國際法為基礎(chǔ)的國際秩序

to resolutely safeguard the international order with international law as its foundation


譯文:We need to resolutely safeguard the international system with the United Nations at its core and the international order with international law as its foundation, and uphold the basic principles of international law and the basic norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.


20. 中央全面依法治國委員會

Commission for Law-based Governance (under the CPC Central Committee)


譯文:After the 19th CPC National Congress in 2017, the Central Committee established the Commission for Law-based Governance and made a series of decisions and plans on advancing law-based governance from an overall and strategic perspective, leading to historic changes and achievements in developing socialist rule of law in China.


21. 民法典Civil Code


譯文:The Civil Code has an important place in China’s socialist system of laws. It is a basic law that consolidates governance foundations, meets public expectations, and brings long-term benefits. It is of great significance in advancing law-based governance and building a socialist country under the rule of law, in growing the socialist market economy and reinforcing the basic socialist economic system, in pursuing people-centered development, in protecting the people’s rights and interests in accordance with the law, in promoting human rights, and in modernizing the state system and capacity for governance.




1. 法與時轉(zhuǎn)則治。

The law must be adaptive to the changing times, so that social order and stability are maintained.

2. 治國無其法則亂,守法而不變則衰。

A country that is not ruled by law will descend into chaos; a country that sticks to outdated laws will fall into decline.

3. 消未起之患、治未病之疾,醫(yī)之于無事之前。

Remove health risks before they emerge and treat ailments before they are serious, thus preventing illnesses before they arise.

4. 天下之事,不難于立法,而難于法之必行。

The most difficult thing about law is not legislation but law enforcement.

5. 公平正義是司法的靈魂和生命。

Fairness and justice are the soul and lifeline of the judicature.

6. 歷史是最好的教科書,也是最好的清醒劑。

History is the best textbook; it can teach us knowledge and prudence.

7. 民法典要實施好,就必須讓民法典走到群眾身邊、走進群眾心里。

To implement the Civil Code properly, we must ensure it is widely understood and well received by the public.






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