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作者: 時間:2024-10-14 點(diǎn)擊數(shù):






1. 建設(shè)社會主義文化強(qiáng)國to build a great socialist culture


譯文:Strengthening social norms and civil conduct will be a major task in building a great socialist culture, and we will make sustained efforts to pursue cultural progress.


2. 推進(jìn)馬克思主義中國化to adapt Marxism to the Chinese context


譯文:As we have opted for the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, we must adapt Marxism to the Chinese context.


3. 把馬克思主義基本原理同中國具體實(shí)際相結(jié)合、同中華優(yōu)秀傳統(tǒng)文化相結(jié)合to adapt the basic tenets of Marxism to China’s realities and its fine traditional culture


譯文:Over the past century the CPC has adapted the basic tenets of Marxism to China’s realities and its fine traditional culture, united the people across the country, and led them in writing a magnificent chapter in the history of human progress – the most brilliant in the millennia-long history of the Chinese nation.


4. 社會主義核心價(jià)值觀core socialist values


譯文:Our modernization upholds the core socialist values, strengthens education on ideals and convictions, spreads splendid traditional culture, boosts people’s moral strength, and fosters material abundance and the well-rounded development of all.


5. 公共文化服務(wù)public cultural services


譯文:While prioritizing the protection of historical and cultural heritage, we need to make best use of it in providing public cultural services and meeting the people’s intellectual and cultural needs.


6. 舉旗幟、聚民心、育新人、興文化、展形象to uphold socialism, rally public support, foster a new generation with sound values and ethics, develop Chinese culture, and present a positive image of China


譯文:We should promote socialist cultural and ethical progress, and develop cultural undertakings and industries with a focus on our mission to uphold socialism, rally public support, foster a new generation with sound values and ethics, develop Chinese culture, and present a positive image of China.


7. 中華優(yōu)秀傳統(tǒng)文化創(chuàng)造性轉(zhuǎn)化、創(chuàng)新性發(fā)展creative transformation and development of traditional Chinese culture


譯文:I have emphasized on many occasions that we should have unwavering confidence in our culture and promote the creative transformation and development of traditional Chinese culture. We should carry forward revolutionary culture and foster an advanced socialist culture, so as to add new luster to Chinese culture and build China into a country with a strong socialist culture.


8. 推動中華文化走出去to promote Chinese culture beyond our national borders


譯文:We must promote Chinese culture beyond our national borders, advocating common values, sharing our ideas, and increasing mutual understanding, to let the world know more about our culture and how it embodies Chinese spirit and wisdom.


9. 人類文明新形態(tài)new model for human progress


譯文:We, the Chinese people, during our most arduous and bitter struggles, have applied our indomitable will and resolve along with unprecedented wisdom and strength to forge a path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We have created two wonders – rapid economic development and long-term social stability. We have created a new model for human progress, and dramatically increased China’s soft power.


10. 加強(qiáng)我國國際傳播能力建設(shè)to strengthen our international communication capacity


譯文:To strengthen our international communication capacity, it is important to tell genuine and engaging stories, make our voice heard, and present an accurate, multidimensional and panoramic image of China.


11. 全面提升國際傳播效能to make our international discourse more effective


譯文:We need to make our international discourse more effective and see that our communicators are competent and can adapt to the needs of international communication in the new era.


12. 形成同我國綜合國力和國際地位相匹配的國際話語權(quán)to have a stronger voice in the world that is compatible with China’s overall national strength and international status


譯文:We should be fully aware of the importance and necessity of strengthening international communication in the new era, and aim to have a stronger voice in the world that is compatible with China’s overall national strength and international status. We can thereby create an environment where public opinion outside China is positive towards our reform, development and stability – this will contribute to building a global community of shared future.


13. 構(gòu)建中國話語和中國敘事體系to establish our own discourse and narrative


譯文:We should move faster to establish our own discourse and narrative, interpret China’s practice with China’s theory, and enrich China’s theory with China’s practice. We should create new concepts, domains and expressions that are accessible to an international audience, and present panoramic and distinctive stories of China and its culture.


14. 塑造可信、可愛、可敬的中國形象to present (a true image of) China as a country worthy of friendship, trust and respect


譯文:We need to strike the right tone, be open, confident, and modest, and present a true image of China as a country worthy of friendship, trust and respect.


15. 中國精神、中國價(jià)值、中國力量China’s spirit, values and strengths


譯文:We should conduct in-depth studies from a range of perspectives – politics, economics, culture, social affairs, and the eco-environment – focusing on China’s spirit, values and strengths, so as to provide academic and theoretical support for our international communication.


16. 中國主張、中國智慧、中國方案China’s ideas, visions and solutions


譯文:China’s ideas, visions and solutions should be better communicated to the international community. China is moving closer to the center stage of the world. We have both the capacity and the duty to play a bigger role in global affairs, to work together with other countries in solving the common problems of humanity, and to make a greater contribution to the world.



1. 文者,貫道之器也。

Literature is the channel by which ideas are disseminated.

2. 登高使人心曠,臨流使人意遠(yuǎn)。

From a mountain top you will enjoy a broader outlook; down by the riverside you will enjoy a pleasant prospect.

3. 立文之道,惟字與義。

Writing is about expressing ideas through the optimal use of words.

4. 理辯則氣直,氣直則辭盛,辭盛則文工。

A good and well-constructed argument makes one feel upright and righteous; only by feeling upright and righteous can one be eloquent and articulate; only with articulate eloquence can one create well-structured and meaningful writing.

5. 收百世之闕文,采千載之遺韻。

Collect even incomplete articles and essays from previous generations, and gather even heritage that may have been neglected or ignored by our forebears.

6. 志高則言潔,志大則辭弘,志遠(yuǎn)則旨永。

A cultivated person of noble and lofty aspirations can produce succinct and vigorous expressions of profound thoughts.

7. 為世用者,百篇無害;不為用者,一章無補(bǔ)。

Writings, if useful to society, are never enough even if there are more than a hundred of them; while if useless, one single page is far too many.

8. 文化興則國家興,文化強(qiáng)則民族強(qiáng)。

A country will thrive only if its culture thrives, and a nation will be strong only if its culture is strong.

9. 文化自信,是更基礎(chǔ)、更廣泛、更深厚的自信,是更基本、更深沉、更持久的力量。

Cultural confidence is a broader, deeper, and more essential confidence, and it represents a more fundamental, more profound, and long-lasting force.

10. 以文化人,更能凝結(jié)心靈;以藝通心,更易溝通世界。

Literature and art facilitate communication and connect souls.





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