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作者: 時間:2024-10-14 點擊數(shù):








1. 推進國家治理體系和治理能力現(xiàn)代化

to modernize China’s system and capacity for governance


譯文:We must continue to make full and good use of reform as a powerful instrument, and press ahead with resolve. The focus of our work is to uphold and improve the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and to modernize China’s system and capacity for governance. To this end, we will promote in-depth reform and high-standard opening up, which will provide stronger impetus for building the new development dynamic.


2. 改革開放新高地

new drivers of reform and opening up


譯文:We should integrate the pursuit of the new development dynamic with the strategy of coordinated regional development and the program of pilot free trade zones, so that regions with the right conditions can pioneer new models of development and become the new drivers of reform and opening up.


3. 營造開放包容的合作環(huán)境

to foster an open and inclusive environment for cooperation


譯文:Let us work together to foster an open and inclusive environment for cooperation. A review of human history shows that the global economy thrives in openness and withers in seclusion. The services sector is unique as it is asset-light but heavy in soft factors of production. As such, it requires more than other sectors an open, transparent, inclusive and nondiscriminatory environment, to allow businesses to grow. It calls for the concerted efforts of all countries to reduce border and behind-the-border barriers constraining the flow of production factors, and promote cross-border connectivity.


4. 激活創(chuàng)新引領(lǐng)的合作動能

to unleash the power of innovation in driving cooperation


譯文:Let us work together to unleash the power of innovation in driving cooperation. We need to adapt to the trend towards digital-driven, internet-based and smart growth, jointly eliminate the “digital divide”, and advance the digitalization of trade in services.


5. 開創(chuàng)互利共贏的合作局面

to promote mutually beneficial cooperation


譯文:Let us work together to promote mutually beneficial cooperation. In this age of economic globalization, countries share a new level of economic interdependency and interlinked interests. To treat each other with sincerity and pursue shared benefits holds the key to state-to-state relations in today’s world.


6. 維護真正的多邊主義

to safeguard true multilateralism


譯文:China will safeguard true multilateralism. The multilateral trading system with the WTO at its core is the cornerstone of international trade.


7. 同世界共享市場機遇

to share market opportunities with the rest of the world


譯文:China will share market opportunities with the rest of the world. China has a population of over 1.4 billion and a middle-income group of more than 400 million people. Our annual imports of goods and services are valued at around US$2.5 trillion.


8. 推動高水平開放

to promote high-standard opening up


譯文:China will promote high-standard opening up. It will further reduce the negative list for foreign investment, and expand the opening of telecommunications, health care and other services in an orderly fashion.


9. 維護世界共同利益

to uphold the common interests of the world


譯文:China will uphold the common interests of the world. It will take an active part in cooperation within the United Nations, the WTO, the G20, APEC, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and other institutions, and encourage wider discussions on such issues as trade and investment, the digital economy, and green and low-carbon development.


10. 促進世界經(jīng)濟包容性增長

to work for more inclusive global economic growth


譯文:To meet the actual need for growing trade in services, China will promote greater harmonization of rules for the services sector at multilateral and regional levels, and work for continued improvements in global economic governance and more inclusive global economic growth.


11. 中國特色社會主義先行示范區(qū)

demonstration pilot zone for socialism with Chinese characteristics


譯文:Looking to Shenzhen for further reform and opening up and innovative development, the Party Central Committee issued guidelines last August on supporting Shenzhen in building a demonstration pilot zone for socialism with Chinese characteristics, with a comprehensive plan to achieve the goal.


12. 跨境服務(wù)貿(mào)易負面清單管理制度

negative list for cross-border trade in services


譯文:China will conduct stress tests for high-standard opening up in pilot free trade zones and the Hainan Free Trade Port, and will release a negative list for cross-border trade in services in the pilot free trade zones.



1. 見出以知入,觀往以知來。

One can tell the inside of a thing by observing its outside and see future developments by reviewing the past.

2. 孤舉者難起,眾行者易趨。

The going may be tough when one walks alone, but it gets easier when people walk together.

3. 中國歷來言必信、行必果。

China always honors its words with actions.

4. 開放是當代中國的鮮明標識。

Opening up is the hallmark of contemporary China.

5. 新形勢需要新?lián)敗⒑魡拘伦鳛椤?/span>

The current situation calls for new responsibilities and new actions.

6. 一個國家、一個民族要振興,就必須在歷史前進的邏輯中前進、在時代發(fā)展的潮流中發(fā)展。

For any country or nation to thrive, it must follow the logic of history and develop in line with the trend of the times.


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