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作者: 時(shí)間:2024-10-14 點(diǎn)擊數(shù):







1. 全面建成小康社會(huì)

to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects


譯文:Since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, the Central Committee has made it clear that in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, the most arduous tasks are to be found in rural areas, particularly impoverished rural areas, and that this goal cannot be considered complete unless these areas have reached moderate prosperity.


2. 精準(zhǔn)扶貧

targeted poverty alleviation


譯文:Targeted poverty alleviation has proved to be the “magic weapon” for winning the battle against poverty, while the development-driven approach has emerged as the distinctive feature of China’s path to poverty reduction.


3. 集中力量辦大事

to pool resources behind major undertakings


譯文:We have leveraged the strengths of China’s socialist system in pooling resources behind major undertakings and are united in will and action to fight poverty.


4. 國際減貧合作

international cooperation on poverty reduction


譯文:We have actively conducted international cooperation on poverty reduction, fulfilled our international obligations, provided other developing countries with all possible assistance, and acted as a champion for global poverty reduction.


5. 中國式現(xiàn)代化

Chinese (path to) modernization


譯文:Past experience shows that the Chinese path to modernization fits China’s realities. It respects the laws governing the development of socialism and human society.


6. 以推動(dòng)高質(zhì)量發(fā)展為主題

to focus on promoting high-quality development


譯文:China should focus on promoting high-quality development during the 14th Five-year Plan period (2021-2025). This is based on a sound assessment of the stage, environment, and conditions for our country’s development: that China is still in the primary stage of socialism and will remain so for a long time to come; that China is still the largest developing country in the world; that development remains the CPC’s top priority in governance.


7. 我國社會(huì)主要矛盾

the principal challenge facing Chinese society


譯文:Today the principal challenge facing Chinese society is the gap between the people’s growing expectation for a better life and imbalanced and insufficient development. All challenges and problems impeding our development derive from the quality of growth.


8. 百年未有之大變局

change on a scale unseen in a century


譯文:The world is undergoing change on a scale unseen in a century, and the external environment for our development is becoming increasingly complex.


9. 重要戰(zhàn)略機(jī)遇期

important period of strategic opportunity


譯文:With a comprehensive analysis of the domestic and international situation, we are still in an important period of strategic opportunity which will continue, but the challenges and opportunities keep changing.


10. 系統(tǒng)觀念

systems thinking


譯文:Once we achieve moderate prosperity in all respects, we will begin a new journey towards the goal of building a modern socialist country. We will face in-depth and complex changes in our development environment. The problem of imbalanced and insufficient development will remain, and the conflicts in economic and social development are tangled and complex. We must commit ourselves to systems thinking when drafting plans and addressing these challenges, make efforts to achieve progress in various fields, and advance socialist modernization in a comprehensive and coordinated manner.


11. 實(shí)現(xiàn)經(jīng)濟(jì)行穩(wěn)致遠(yuǎn)、社會(huì)和諧安定

to ensure economic stability and sustainability and social harmony and order


譯文:To avoid or address all kinds of risks and hazards, and proactively act against the challenges arising from the changes in external circumstances, the key is to manage our own affairs well. We need to raise the quality of growth, improve international competitiveness, build our composite national strength and our capability to withstand risks, and safeguard national security, so as to ensure economic stability and sustainability and social harmony and order.


12. 供給側(cè)結(jié)構(gòu)性改革

supply-side structural reform


譯文:When we focus on promoting high-quality development, we must follow the new development philosophy. We will take supply-side structural reform as the main theme, put quality and effectiveness first, transform the development model, and improve the quality, efficiency and drivers of economic growth, so that the fruits of development will become real benefits enjoyed by all the people, and their desire for a better life will be consistently met.


13. 構(gòu)建以國內(nèi)大循環(huán)為主體、國內(nèi)國際雙循環(huán)相互促進(jìn)的新發(fā)展格局

to create a double development dynamic with the domestic economy as the mainstay and the domestic economy and international engagement providing mutual reinforcement


譯文:We have decided to create a double development dynamic with the domestic economy as the mainstay and the domestic economy and international engagement providing mutual reinforcement. This policy decision was made in the context of our current development stage, environment, and changing conditions, and in particular the changes in our comparative strengths.


14. 使改革發(fā)展成果更多更公平惠及全體人民

to ensure that reform and development offer greater benefits to all the people in a fair way


譯文:Our experience demonstrates clearly that for the undertakings of the Party and country to be accomplished, all initiatives must serve one immutable goal – realizing, defending and developing the fundamental interests of the people, while a conscious effort must be made to ensure that reform and development offer greater benefits to all the people in a fair way.


15. 共同富裕

common prosperity


譯文:As an essential requirement of socialism and a shared aspiration of the people, common prosperity is our ultimate goal in social and economic development.



1. 時(shí)代造就英雄,偉大來自平凡。

Trying times make heroes out of ordinary men and women.

2. 治國之道,富民為始。

The key to running a country is to first enrich the people.

3. 志之難也,不在勝人,在自勝。

The key to achieving your aspirations lies not in overcoming others but in overcoming your own weaknesses.

4. 勝非其難也,持之者其難也。

The most difficult part of victory is not the winning, but the sustaining.

5. 世界上既不存在定于一尊的現(xiàn)代化模式,也不存在放之四海而皆準(zhǔn)的現(xiàn)代化標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。There is no such a thing as a single authorized model of modernization, nor a universally applicable standard of modernization.

6. 脫貧摘帽不是終點(diǎn),而是新生活、新奮斗的起點(diǎn)。

Shaking off poverty is not the finish line, but rather the starting point of a new quest and a new endeavor.

7. 我們說的共同富裕是全體人民共同富裕,是人民群眾物質(zhì)生活和精神生活都富裕,不是少數(shù)人的富裕,也不是整齊劃一的平均主義。

The common prosperity that we pursue, both material and cultural, is for all of our people; it is not for a small minority, nor does it imply an absolute equality in income distribution that takes no account of contribution.

8. 幸福生活都是奮斗出來的,共同富裕要靠勤勞智慧來創(chuàng)造。

A happy life is earned by hard work; common prosperity is achieved through diligence and ingenuity.





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