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来源Q? 作者:(x) 发布旉Q?023-05-17 览ơ数Q?script>_showDynClicks("wbnews", 1518251481, 1452)

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[目的/意义]探烦(ch)l对颠覆性指数DZ与Faculty Opinions同行评议指标和引证指标CNCI间的相关性,揭示Faculty Opinions同行评议指标在研I论文颠覆性创新早期识别中的效果? [Ҏ(gu)/q程]通过寚w出?40研I论文的l对颠覆性指数DZ、Faculty Opinions同行评议指标[包括同行评分QF(tun)ScoreQ、同行评U(F(tun)StarQ、评h敎ͼF(tun)TimeQ、加权评U(F(tun)StarQwQ、加权评h敎ͼF(tun)TimeQwQ]和媄(jing)响力指标CNCIq行相关性分析,q对高颠覆性文献、Faculty Opinions收录文献、高影响力文献在全部5 566焦Ҏ(gu)献中的分布和不同评h(hun)角度下选出的研I文献重合情况进行研I? [l果/l论]从全部病毒学领域期刊来看Q绝寚w覆性指数DZ与Faculty Opinions同行评议指标间存在弱相关性,与媄(jing)响力指标CNCI间存在中{相x。FScore与CNCI存在着强相x,FStar、FStarQw与CNCI存在着中等相关性,FTime、FTimeQw与CNCI存在着qx。但不同标签的研I论文三cL标间的相x各不相同。其中,变革性研I论文的同行评议l果与绝寚w覆性指数的一致性与加权评分均高于@证性研I论文。三U评h标在实际评h(hun)q程中应互ؓ(f)补充而非怺替代。在识别早期颠覆性创新的q程中,Faculty Opinions同行评议指标可以发挥一定的作用Q其同时也可以辅助研Ih员在发表后快速发现有潜在影响力的研究论文?
[Purpose/Significance] This paper explores the correlation between absolute disruption index (DZ), peer-review index of Faculty Opinions and citation index CNCI and reveals the effect of Faculty Opinions peer review index in early identification of disruption innovation in research papers. [Method/Process] Through the correlation analysis of the selected 140 research papers?DZ, Faculty Opinions peer review indicators [including peer rating (FScore), peer rating (FStar), evaluation times (FTime), weighted rating (FStar_w), weighted evaluation times (FTime_w)], and the impact index CNCI, furthermore, the distribution of high-disruptive literature, literature collected by Faculty Opinions and high-impact literature in all 5 566 focus literatures and the coincidence of research literatures selected from different evaluation angles were studied. [Result/Conclusion] Across the all virology journals, there is a weak correlation between DZ and the peer review index of Faculty Opinions and a moderate correlation between DZ and CNCI. There is a strong correlation between FScore and CNCI, a moderate correlation between FStar and FStar_w and CNCI, and a weak correlation between FTime and FTime_w. But there are different correlations among the three indexes of research papers with different labels. Among them, the consistency and FStar_w between peer review results of transformative research papers and absolute disruption index are higher than that of evidence-based research papers. Among them, the peer review results of transformative research papers are more consistent with absolute subversive index than evidence-based research papers, and average FStar_w of transformative research papers are higher than those of evidence-based research papers. In the actual evaluation effect, the three evaluation indexes should complement each other rather than replace each other. In the process of identifying early disruptive innovations, the peer review index of the Faculty Opinions can play a certain role and it can also assist researchers to quickly find potentially influential research papers after publication at the same time.

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