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目的利用基本U学指标(ESI)数据? 分析全球儿科学领域研I热点及(qing)其对国内~辑和儿U学U研人员的启C? Ҏ(gu)攉q整理分析ESI数据库中2011q至2021q儿U学领域高被引论文的期刊分布、国?或地?分布、合作情c(din)机构分布、基金资助、出版语a、热点主题词{资料? l果共有682儿U学高被引论文分布在SCI收录?7U儿U学期刊? 其中发表高被引论文最多的是Pediatrics, ?82?82儿U学高被引论文出版语a均ؓ(f)p, 出版频次普遍较高, h多位作者及(qing)多个机构合作和多基金资助的特征;682儿U学高被引论文中, 国发文量最?435?, 英格兰第2?123?, 加拿大第3?86?。目? 全球儿科学领域的学术前沿主要是新型冠状病毒肺炎大行、冠状病毒疾病、SARS冠状病毒、自闭症、多pȝ炎症l合?具体到儿U系l疾病主要是呼吸pȝ疄、消化系l疾病、心(j)血疾病等? l论ZESI的儿U学领域研究热点分析不仅为国内外儿科学研Ih员了(jin)解全球儿U学领域学术前沿和发展动态以?qing)开展下一步的U研选题提供参考资? q可帮助国内U技期刊~辑q行选题{划、组E和U稿热点论文, q而提高期刊的学术质量和国际媄(jing)响力?
Objective To analyze the global research hotspots in the field of pediatrics based on the Essential Science Indicators (ESI) database and explore the inspiration to domestic editors and pediatrics researchers. Methods The journal distribution, country (region) distribution, cooperation, organization distribution, funding, publication language, hot topic words and other data of highly cited papers in the field of pediatrics in ESI database were collected and analyzed. Results A total of 682 highly cited pediatrics papers were collected from 77 pediatrics journals included in Science Citation Index(SCI). Most of the highly cited pediatrics papers (182) were found to be published in Pediatrics.All 682 paper were published in English and frequently, characterized by multiple authors, institutions and fund support.Of 682 highly cited pediatrics papers, 435 papers were published in the United States(the first), 123 papers in England(the second) and 86 paper in Canada(the third). Novel coronavirus pneumonia, coronavirus, SARS coronavirus, autism and multiple system inflammatory syndrome are the main frontiers of global pediatric research at present.Specifically, focal pediatric system diseases mainly include respiratory system diseases, digestive system diseases, cardiovascular diseases, etc. Conclusions ESI-based analysis of global research hotspots in the field of pediatrics provides reference materials for domestic and foreign pediatrics researchers to understand the global academic frontiers and development trends in the field of pediatrics and select topics for future scientific research.More importantly, this analysis can help domestic editors of pediatrics journals to plan topics and organize hot papers, so as to improve the academic quality and international influence of the journals.

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