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来源Q? 作者: 发布旉Q?019-11-26 览ơ数Q?script>_showDynClicks("wbnews", 1518251481, 1360)



摘要Q?/strong>目的探讨JIPR8对学术期刊的跨学U评h?客观评h(hun)我国中、英文SCI收录期刊的国际媄响力?strong>Ҏ(gu)从SCI数据库获取JCR 177个学U?969U期?012?016q的全部研究论文(Article)和综q论?Review),通过创徏引文报告获取每篇文献的被引频?q进行学U标准化处理和PR8赋?计算每种期刊的JIPR8。以JCR中的总被引频ơ、媄响因子、他引媄响因子?q媄响因子、特征因子、论文媄响分倹{^均媄响因子百分位{评h标ؓ对照,探讨JIPR8的跨学科评h(hun)效果?strong>l果在期刊的跨学U统计分析中,与其他期刊评h标相?JIPR8的学U差异最?且与q_影响因子癑ֈ位的相关度最高。不同分区期刊之间的JIPR8差异性最?而Q3和Q4分区内期刊的JIPR8变异pL最。我国SCI收录期刊q_JIPR8排在全球W?位、亚z第1?中文SCI收录期刊的JIPR8仅次于英语和荷兰语期刊?strong>l论JIPR8h理想的跨学科期刊评h(hun)效果。我国已l成Z界科技期刊强国、亚z排名第1,且中文SCI收录期刊与其他非p语种SCI收录期刊相比h明显优势?/p>

关键?学术期刊, 期刊评h(hun), 跨学U评? JIPR8

Abstract:[Purposes]This paper aims to explore the interdisciplinary evaluation effect of journal index of percentile ranking with 8 classifications (JIPR8) on academic journals, and objectively evaluate the international influence of Chinese and English SCI journals published in China.[Methods]All the articles and reviews of 8969 journals indexed inJournal Citation Reports177 subjects from 2012 to 2016 were obtained from the Science Citation Index database. The citation frequency of each document was obtained through the "Creation Citation Report", and the citations of articles and reviews were standardized by subject fields. The PR8 value was assigned for each paper and JIPR8 was calculated for each journal. Based on the total cites, impact factor, impact factor without self-citation, 5-year impact factor, eigenfactor score, article influence score, and average journal impact factor percentile (aJIFP) in JCR, the interdisciplinary evaluation effects of JIPR8 were discussed.[Findings]In the interdisciplinary statistical analysis of journals, compared with other journal evaluating indicators, JIPR8 has the smallest difference in the different fields and the highest correlation with aJIFP. The results show that JIPR8 had the largest difference among the four regional journals such as Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4, and the coefficient of variation of JIPR8 was the smallest among the journals in Q3 and Q4. It shows that JIPR8 has a good interdisciplinary evaluation effect. The average JIPR8 of China's SCI journals ranks ninth in the world and the first in Asia. The JIPR8 of Chinese SCI journals is second to English and Dutch journals.[Conclusions]JIPR8 has an ideal evaluation effect for the journals in different fields. China has become a world powerful country, and the first country in Asia on the impact of scie.pngic journals, and Chinese SCI journals have obvious advantages compared with other non-English SCI journals.

Key words:Academic journal, Journal evaluation, Interdisciplinary evaluation, Journal index of percentile ranking with 8 classifications (JIPR8)



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